forging enduring bonds between digital and live 

yemby - Digital is here to stay!

Bring people together and in doing so create lasting impressions by using your own communication platform. yemby is an innovative, cloud-based software solution for uniting digital and analog worlds, no matter the device and operating system. As flexible as you want. Tailor-made, scalable and completely customizable.
Control and monitor your media areas in realtime!
See what everyone sees, even remotely!
React quickly - survey and Q&A results sent directly to the moderator
Take part in all surveys on-site! Be there and share digitally!
yemby - your All-In-One-Box! Because yemby is more than just another tool. Are you ready for digital transformation?

More than just an event platform

yemby is the powerful partner for your digital communication, with a multitude of application possibilities. Here are just a few examples of how yemby has been used before:
Digital Events
The bittersweet classic. Born out of necessity it nonetheless remains a sensible format with regard to sustainability and travel expenses. In yemby you have the perfect tool for your interactive event format to avoid "zoom fatique". Livestreams, voting, group or individual chats. No one has to feel alone in front of the computer.
Finally meeting people face to face again - why do you need a platform for that? Well ... perhaps for digital Q&As without question cards or roving microphones. Or for polls without yet another additional tool. Or for the entire communication before and after the event. Or for all of the above? You definitely could and should use yemby for it.
Hybrid Events
Certainly the king of events in terms of concept. Participants on-site and online demand an equal amount of coordination, integration and entertainment. Thanks to yemby's versatility this is no problem at all.
Digital Signage
The agenda on your participant's seat is out of date once you're done printing and distributing it? Running up on stage and changing the speakers' nametags is totally 2000s? Nobody gets to see the cool videos from yesterday's party? yemby delivers the agenda, information about the speakers and even videos on demand to the participant. On a display, on a lectern, on a phone.
Crowd Control
Location plans for any purpose, wherever you need them. On your way to the buffet, a workshop or the shuttle (what were the departure times again?).The latest news and announcements where they will be seen. With yemby, none of your guests will ever get lost again (figuratively and literally). And anyway, who actually prints roll-ups anymore?
Internal Communication
Check! Variable employee surveys on the browser homepage? Check! Up-to-date information updated by You and Your team? Check! yemby is capable of so much more than events - find out what's possible with us.
The areas of application have long been clear to you? But you wonder what yemby does differently? No worries. Here are a few hard facts about yemby:
[tl;dr] Voice message?
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YOUR CI, YOUR OPPORTUNITY. You want a website in your look & feel? Not a problem with yemby. Layout and design are completely customisable and adapt to your needs. The content: Generated in an instant by yourself or by one of our partners.
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Performance powered by cloud technology. 100 participants today and 10.000 tomorrow? You won't feel the difference. The infrastructure automatically adapts to your needs. Quick access to your content and designs is guaranteed.
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yemby might be an event platform, but it can do so much more. yemby can be whatever you need it for: Use yemby for all of your digital communication. Internally as well as externally. Before, during or after an event. Or even entirely without an event. Because it would be a shame to only use yemby as an event platform.


Page Builder

With the innovative Pagebuilder you are the ruler of your content. You determine the layout, create responsive and/or multilingual pages and save yourself time-consuming approval loops because you can work directly in the platform. This means you are also well prepared for last-minute changes.

Interaction and Widgets

yemby's widgets are its "hidden champion". It's even possible to include external content via iFrame. And don't even get us started on the optimisation of our agenda tool for hybrid events.

Participant Management

How much do you need to know about your participants? What information is required for the login? Is there a registration - and if so, what data should be gathered? With yemby, you can decide all this by yourself.

Showtime Editing/Engineering

What would the evolution of the event platform be without classic control modules? With Showtime you not only have the editorial overview at all times and can provide your presenters with everything they need. You can also switch all interactive content on and off in real time.

Configure your personal requirements

How many logins/participants do you expect?
Logins per day*
How many pages do you need?
How much storage for media (video, images, fonts, ...) do you need?
Your selection matches a kleines Event
Start your transformation with us now!
Demo now!